Auto Repair Shop Loans
Simple application. Simple process.
Simple application. Simple process.
A slow sales period, increased competition, and outdated tools can put your cash flow in the slow lane. Before that happens, look to Balboa Capital. We offer auto repair shop loans with predictable payments. If your loan application is approved and you decide to move forward, one of our helpful business funding specialists will contact you to discuss your options and answer any questions.
There are no restrictions on using your auto repair shop loan. You can use the funds for any daily business need. This is one of the many reasons auto repair shop owners look to Balboa Capital when they need funding.
These are some of our minimum lending requirements, and meeting them does not constitute a business loan approval.
Should you apply for a small business loan, additional lending criteria will determine if you qualify.
The auto repair industry has experienced steady growth over the last decade, and analysts predict that annual growth will continue at a 5.8 percent rate over the next five years. As a result, automotive yearly repair revenue in the United States is expected to surpass $85 billion in a couple of years. That means more revenue opportunities for your auto repair business, mainly since more than 265 million passenger vehicles are in our country, and 75 percent of consumers get their vehicles serviced yearly.
Whether you are working with customers on pricing, fielding phone calls, ordering auto parts, or managing your auto mechanics, you have a lot on your plate daily. As a result, your time is too valuable to waste on a lengthy lending process. With Balboa Capital, you will not have to. It only takes a few minutes to apply for a business loan from Balboa Capital, and the turnaround time is fast. Get started now!
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Auto repair industry infographic
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