3 Reasons to Hold a Company Event

reasons to hold a company event

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Each morning, the sound of an alarm clock going off can be heard in homes across the United States. It signals the start of a new workday for tens of millions of Americans. Most people follow set routines before going to work. These might include getting the kids ready for school, exercising, or grabbing breakfast and a cup of coffee. Then, of course, there is also the morning commute and search for the perfect parking space near the company they work for.

People also have everyday routines at work. They chase deadlines and perform regular tasks and duties every day. All of this begs the question, “Wouldn’t it be great to break the everyday monotony?” If you own a small business, giving your employees a break from their established work hours, responsibilities, and productivity goals can help them relax and recharge their energy. One way to do this is by having a company event, which is an excellent perk for your employees. Learn three reasons to hold a company event in this Balboa Capital blog article.

1. Rejuvenates employees.

When people start a new job, they are typically motivated, open-minded, and ready to make a good impression. However, some employees – perhaps yours – might feel like they are simply going through the motions as time goes by. As a result, their motivation level might go down from its initial high, and they could lack the drive and energy needed to be productive and successful. Unfortunately, this is not uncommon in today’s business world.

Holding a company event or outing is an excellent way to rejuvenate your office, prevent burnout, and change habits that hinder your small business’s success. Taking a break from the daily rigors of work also allows your employees to have fun and come up with fresh ideas that might benefit your business.

2. Strengthens cohesion.

It is not uncommon for employees to go days or weeks without speaking to each other because they are located on different office floors or work in departments that do not usually interact with others. As a result, these employees might never socialize and develop professional friendships aside from the occasional “hello” in the break room.

Company events can prevent this from happening and strengthen your team’s cohesion. A fun-filled event or outing will break down workplace barriers and allow your employees to mingle and get to know each other more personally. Events and outings can strengthen bonds, make your team feel like a cohesive unit, and improve your business’s overall operations.

3. Improves morale.

When employee morale is high, so too is employee production. That is because they are motivated and bought into your mission and goals. So perhaps the best time to reward your employees with a company event is when they exceed your expectations. Imagine how happy and appreciative they will be when you give them a break from work.

A company event reminds your employees how much you value their efforts and accomplishments. Being away from the office for a few hours can prevent morale from sinking and keep your employees happy and productive.


Company events should be part of your employee engagement strategy. For your events to be successful and well-received by employees, they must be planned well in advance. Do not wait until tough times or decreased morale to announce an event.

Take time to plan something that will be memorable, and do not skimp on your budget when it comes to things like the venue, food, entertainment, awards, etc. It would help if you also considered assigning tasks to employees to get things done more efficiently.

The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.